Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A much needed update....

Ok...we have had a tremendous amount of "stuff" going on since the last surgery, last post....some good, some great, and others we just would rather not deal with...I think that is why I haven't blogged...if its not in writing its not reality kinda thing again. Ok so Ray had another post op visit since the last one mentioned....Things looked good...but he is a VERY bad patient...still to this day he is only supposed to be on 50% weight bearing...which would mean a cane or crutch assisted....He has been without those devices since about 1 week of surgery!! I know he needs to and should....but you try telling a person who doesn't give a dang to do it! :o) I just let him be him for the remainder of his time! We are scheduled to have a full body scan in little over 3 weeks. So we are trying to act as normal as one can under our circumstances. Ray continues to work in the dispatch office...a tremendous blessing to us all! (The Lord is mindful of our and your prayers!!) But he deals with extreme pain DAILY (no release of it) and constant swelling, and very little sleep again :o( But he is so strong and always...ALWAYS puts on a brave face outside the home (well except for once at the Disney on Ice...Manda you know what I mean) He is finally getting a handicapped placard...which his doctors office was under the assumption he had it this whole time....Ray can be stubborn that way...but its his stubbornness that gets him as far as he is! Well that's it in a very VERY small nutshell! I will honestly try to do better at updates! Thanks for the continued help, cards, prayers and continued love!

2nd post-op visit in January...if only his leg looked this good now!

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