Sunday, October 24, 2010

I have lacked I know...

When I was at church today I had several people ask about the blog....and a few weeks before that I had more people inquire. I am sorry for not updating this more regular. We have had lots going on so yes there should have been some updates...but for some reason lately I have been down.....I have felt no motivation, no desire to do extra....and in fact I have been hard pressed to do the bare minimum. I have updated our regular family blog for the most that said let me get you caught up....Ray's radiation treatments are in FULL fact we only have 2 more weeks worth left! In the very beginning it was going fine....then Ray hit the point of feeling it all! He is exhausted, in more pain (if you can imagine that), has severe edema, and as of a few days ago he is starting to get blistering on his leg. I don't know if the radiation is causing his stomach issues...but those have increased numerously as well. We do reflect though on our blessings. We have met some great people at radiation (remember we go at the same time each day and get to bond with the other patients) I will have a separate post on a sweet lady we met. Ray loves giving the staff something to laugh about each day. And as we learn of the others and their own struggles we can't help but to get down on our knees and thank the Lord for helping us through ours! Some of them have such a greater trial then Ray does. Another step that is on Ray's horizon is PT (Physical Therapy). We had our initial intake appointment with our therapist. It was eye opening....Ray has a LONG ways to go....he has great knee mobility but on the ankle he has little to none. For example the motion of point/flex of the foot he is supposed to have a radius of approximately 45 degrees he has SIX!!! The others are better but not by much. Right now he is scheduled 2 times a day at PT with daily at home will increase as he is able to. I really hope to keep you better informed....I know its frustrating on the outside wanting to help, wanting to keep us up and just not getting enough details. As always we are forever grateful for the never ending prayers on our behalf. The sweet letters, the anonymous donations, the phone calls, and all other support. May the Lord bless you ten fold!

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