Sunday, September 26, 2010

One step er I mean hop forward...

Ok so Ray is working on apply 50# of pressure on his foot....not an easy task...its SO tender! We also went to our Radiation Oncologist Dr. Thomson. They did his intact evaluation. Got him tattooed....Yep I am now married to a man with tattoo's! Whoulda thunk it?? :o) They are 5 VERY VERY small bluish dots...this is so the radiation machine laser will line it up exactly each time! Our first appointment for treatment is this coming Wednesday...we will have a "dry run" then an actually treatment. Then he will go Monday-Friday same time each day. Dr. Thomson has decided to lengthen his days of treatment but lessen the amount each time to make it a little easier on Ray's body. The office he practices at is amazing! I got to see how they interact with patients while Ray was in CT. They are very personally involved and I got to experience a lady who was having her LAST treatment! They have this HUGE bell hung in the hall that is the celebration bell and she got to ring it hard and loud! They also gave her a lei and a certificate of completion! All very loving! I guess if someone has to go through this....this is the place to be! Ray also went to his primary care doctor. Ray's sleeping has been getting worse and we found a new sleeping pill and so far so good! He sleeps over 5 hours!!! That should go a long way in helping him heal I hope! So please keep your support and prayers coming his way! Its gonna be another long month and a half! Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Wonder what they do for people who are covered in tatoos. Do they just make a reference guide. Like laser's first dot is fish's tail then goes to bugs bunny's ear, then the O in "I heart Mom" Hope things continue to go well for Ray.
