Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Its back to square one time...

I know its been forever AND a day since I updated here.....I have been overwhelmed with emotions, with the festivities of the season and plain just in denial....if I didn't type anything then maybe *just maybe* it wasn't real! ::sigh:: so much for that......Well here we are on the eve of Ray's surgery and I will give a brief of what we know so far. We know for certain that there will not be an amputation tomorrow. After our doctors visit today we chatted with Dr. Scott and he said he doesn't like his patients going under NOT knowing a plan....is the leg gone? will the leg stay? kinda thing. We did have another x-ray done and unfortunately the tumor has grown again since the last x-ray (darn aggressive thing anyway!) So we (Ray and I) with Dr. Scott on board came up with a game plan. Dr. Scott is a little concerned that the tumor not only is IN the bone but AROUND the bone like last time (tissue involvement type of thing) IF that is the case tomorrow when Ray is opened up he will take a biopsy and close him up. At that point we will do one of two things A: schedule a surgery in the near future for a leg amputation slightly above the knee. Dr. Scott says the prosthetic works better with a artificial joint (aka knee) plus it will give a greater chance of having clean margins. or; B: we will do nothing and let it run its course and treat pain and so forth accordingly. Our choice as of right now definitely leans to choice A. BUT after we find out for sure we will have another heart to heart and find out a time line of life expectancy with just letting it run its course. Ok...next IF it doesn't have tissue involvement we revert to a surgery tomorrow where he will drill out the tumor in the bone take an aspiration from the hip of bone marrow to inject into the bone to promote healing and use liquid nitrogen to try and freeze as many cancer cells as he can. Then fill up the hole(s) with bone cement. He will also at the time secure the rod that may be causing some of the pain and be wobbly. So in a nutshell that is it for now....I promise as things develop I will keep it updated I know we have tons of family, loved ones and friends who are praying and wishes us well and want that update. Thanks to all those who continue to support us. We love you all! HUGS!

1 comment:

  1. Sheri and Ray... I want you both to know how strong you are. I am inspired by and in awe of each of you. I am thinking of you today and always my friends. Much love, Lyndi
