Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's a KEEPER!

So we had Ray's doctor's appointment with Dr. Scott today and it looks like we dodged another bullet! Amputation looks like it will pass over the Wojtasek household!! So what else went on??......X-ray...CHECK....Cast removed....CHECK.....foot soak in warm water.....CHECK....a mini scrub with wash cloth...CHECK....select color for new cast...CHECK.....new cast on.....CH....awww not so fast! We are in a boot baby!!! Ray can actually shower normally!!! The X-ray looked good....well the important part that is! Down where the ankle/foot connects with the leg there was a little "fuzz" You wanna know what....this time the FUZZ is GOOD! Who knew I'd like the word fuzz! That indicates the healing!!! The upper part ironically is NOT healing....but Dr. Scott dismissed that with a "I'm not concerned with that....if that part doesn't heal I can go back in and correct it" "The part that was a MUST, is showing signs!" So what does this mean??? Well for starters...the BOOT....Ray can take it off now and then to let his leg "breathe" he can also shower without restrictions (well besides no weight-bearing....still has his companion of the "crunches") He is to now "practice" putting weight on his leg (ONLY WHEN IN THE BOOT) on the bathroom scale and work towards 50lbs these next two weeks....then increase it 10lbs a week...each week after that. So Ray and Dr. Scott had a funny conversation at this point....Ray was doing his quick calculations of the weight bearing and we knew we were following up with Dr. Scott in 4 weeks (this was discussed prior to this conversation) so Ray said "So by the next time I see you...lets see...50 pounds week 1 & 2...then 60 pounds then 70!" Without skipping a beat Dr. Scott said "So I guess that means you will be walking with ALL your body weight bearing!" We all loved it and laughed at that....but then Ray and I had that look between the two of us....That it hits too close to the truth! But we are proud to report Ray did gain TWO pounds!!
We also got the go ahead to start the radiation....now this is bittersweet....it could make Ray more tired and healing ground to a halt...but it will be monitored and it is a step FORWARD! We also talked with Dr. Scott about a possible return to work....and barring any major set backs due to radiation or a recurrence....Its possible by Thanksgiving!!!! WOW! We know we still have major hurdles....and will continue to be tried....money (or lack there of) continues to be a huge issue...but we are blessed beyond measure!!! Oh and also yesterday we heard from Dr. Staskus...and Ray's lab to check for the Insilinoma...was at a .01....No Insilinoma tumor!! Yahoo! I have also included a few pictures for your for lack of better words enjoyment :o) Thanks again to all those who send love, prayers and well wishes...we are also still being blessed with some financial help from family, friends and even the anonymous...if this includes you....THANK YOU!

Love from us to you all....till next time!

A shot??? A blood draw??? Surgery???Bad news??? A smashed toe???Nope....Ray's nerves as he was having his cast cut off :o) Look at this sexy leg!!! NO REDNESS! We still have some dead/black skin but minor!!A look at his NOT so sexy heal! It needs some TLC!! A basin of Heaven! Warm water soak!

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