Sunday, September 12, 2010

Peek A Boo....don't faint....I am updating!

WOW...I looked at the blog and realized it has been since Aug 30th since I last posted....Let me start with a HUGE "I'm sorry!" I know how many of you depend on this to get the updates on Ray...If I for one was on the OTHER end of this I'd be antsy for some info....But in defense of myself....I have been DEAD tired (oops maybe not the best term to use) Being back to work (albeit not many hours) having the kids up and going to school (one willing, one NOT so willing) homework, housework, repeat has taken a toll on me. So literally I have not felt like blogging (which in itself should indicate how stressed I am.....normally I LOVE TO BLOG!!!) Ok that said....I will give you some updates and fill you in.

We have had the run of the mill usual stuff with Ray. His pain management is going well. The annoyance of the slow healing process is aggravating and STRESSFUL! We are still in the "unknown" areas of things. We could still be looking at amputation. So we pray daily that we get improvement! (Thanks to all those who also do it on our behalf!) He H-A-T-E-S the cast, its awkward, heavy, itchy and its starting to smell! He is so agile though with crutches and hopping around....he even helps with the housework (so he doesn't go nuts) he even VACUUMS!! He is cute hopping around pushing the vacuum and using one crutch. He amazes me! We are still battling the low blood sugars. We finally made it to our old endocrinologist (the bad part since she is out of network and we can't get into our "in" network one till November...we have to pay for the WHOLE visit) :o( But we do like her. She adjusted his insulin both Lantus (24 long acting) and Novolog (sliding scale PRN) and is doing a test. She is looking for another type of tumor called an Insolinoma (a tumor that secretes insulin) we should hear back from this shortly. Also she would like Ray to have a genetic test done if this shows positive. Supposedly this type of tumor can be passed on from parent to child. If the genetic lab is positive then all the girls will need to be tested to see if they inherited the gene responsible for that. WHEW....what else, like we need more!!! Also we had another "date" with the paramedics and ambulance and police officers! Monday night (Labor Day) I had just gotten the girls to sleep in their beds and was talking to Ray from the balcony. I asked him if he was ok. He responding with a very rude "I'm fine" (soooo not like Ray) so I came down and felt him. He was sweating profusely and seeming confused a bit AND ornery! So I told him to check his blood sugar and headed to the kitchen for juice...I returned with juice and he had still not got the blood sugar monitor out. I asked 2 more times and kept getting the agitated "I'm fine" response finally I did it myself it said "LOW" which means under 20 (remember normal is 80-140!) at 20 unconsciousness, seizure and death can result! I got the drink in him (barely!) he was loopy and aggressive and then he started the twitching. I called Brek and Mike (sorry so late guys but thanks for running right over!!) Brek tried to get more juice in him and we collectively decided to call 911...he was now not conscious and have seizures. I handled myself well this break hyperventilating....thanks again Noice's for being there! The police officers arrived 1st. I had the glucagone mixed and read...but they told me to hold off until the paramedics arrived. Once they arrived they tested his blood sugar again and it was still under they put some "gel-like" glucose in his mouth at the side of his cheek and I had a PB and J sandwich prepared...He finally came around....the first thing he asked was "What happened to my game???" I had turned off the Boise St./Virginia Tech game....that made us all laugh.....and then the next thing he was worried about was his appearance.....he wanted a blanket to cover his undies! Then the mystery of sorts was discovered. While we waited for the paramedics to arrive Brek kept trying to have Ray drink and talk to him....and she kept saying "I think he is trying to tell me something but he can't talk" So then when he was more coherent. He told Brek "I was trying to tell you to get your COLD hands off me!" We laughed again on that! So since we didn't administer the glucagon we didn't have to make a trip to the hospital. And the good part of this stressful night (The girls slept through ALL the commotion!!!) So we are still closely monitoring it. We also have a Dr.'s appointment on Tuesday for another xray and follow up on the leg. Ray is looking forward to having the cast off (even though its only for xraying purposes) at least I can rub it for a few minutes!!! Then the new (stinky free one) goes on! I also need to schedule a Dr. appointment for Courtney....she constantly has a stomach ache (I am sure stress related) and the liquid Maalox we need her on a stronger antacid RX.

Money woes are here and I believe we are going to have to be more humbled and ask for help and such......the blessing in that aspect though is that Ray's FMLA was supposed to be done in October but due to the merger of his company they were not caught up on paper work and when we got his FMLA papers he has his job secured till November!!!! Blessings!!! Its hard though...its all without pay....AND we have to cover both sides of the insurance premium! ARGH! We need to go to an island and forget our troubles for just a few days! Whew....ok enough complaining. We are grateful! We are blessed beyond measure. And we know the Lord is mindful of us and supporting our way spiritually through all this! Thanks again for the constant prayers and thoughts on our behalf. We love you family and friends!

1 comment:

  1. Although we haven't made it up there to visit, our thoughts and prayers are with you daily. Sheri, we know what a strong woman you are. And Ray, you should recognize what a treasure you have in Sheri. The love you two share is not one that is found in every relationship. And Ray, aka RPJ, you better quit being so cranky and ornery and just listen to what that jewel of a woman tells you to do!! We love you both!

    Darren and Misty
