Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekend in Review....

Well Friday ending up being a re-coop day for Ray.....his leg was pretty swollen from Thursday's excursion.....Friday early eve both girls had play I got Ray settled then picked up a red box and little Cesar's for the girls and we relaxed Friday night. It was so good for both Ray and I (well actually the girls too) to not have to set an alarm for the next morning stay up a tad later and just "be bums" On Saturday Ray went to his nephews 1st football game with his folks...It was SO windy for him and he said he had to walk a LONG ways to the field...but he had fun....but after he got done with that we were going to stay at my Mom's for a bit (game day!) but I ended up taking Ray home after a couple of hours...he needed R-E-S-T!!! The next day that is what we did! We didn't do ANYTHING beyond playing some games with the girls and then getting outside for the "usual" meeting of the rectangle families! So things are still going ok. Sleep is off or on......Last night Ray slept from 9:30p till almost 4am!!! That was heaven to us all! Those nights are few and far between! Today was back to school and work...I like my time at work and being with the kids but I liked the summer care free'ish days when I got to run on Ray's schedule better...if I had a rough night with him...I was more apt to get a nap at some point during the day...not much of that now. Oh well :o) Ray still isn't really liking his cast...its awkward and heavy.....its harder to move about and sleep with too. We still hae major days of depressions and with all the "What if's", MONEY...and when do we worry about work....yada yada yada.....its just so mentally exhausting for Ray and I...but we know we are blessed and tell each other sometimes on a hourly basis how much we love each other and feel the strength of the other pulling us through a particularly tough time. Its amazing what trial can do for a marriage! I love you Ray and my heart aches for you and I pray each day we see some light!

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