Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekend in Review....

Well Friday ending up being a re-coop day for Ray.....his leg was pretty swollen from Thursday's excursion.....Friday early eve both girls had play I got Ray settled then picked up a red box and little Cesar's for the girls and we relaxed Friday night. It was so good for both Ray and I (well actually the girls too) to not have to set an alarm for the next morning stay up a tad later and just "be bums" On Saturday Ray went to his nephews 1st football game with his folks...It was SO windy for him and he said he had to walk a LONG ways to the field...but he had fun....but after he got done with that we were going to stay at my Mom's for a bit (game day!) but I ended up taking Ray home after a couple of hours...he needed R-E-S-T!!! The next day that is what we did! We didn't do ANYTHING beyond playing some games with the girls and then getting outside for the "usual" meeting of the rectangle families! So things are still going ok. Sleep is off or on......Last night Ray slept from 9:30p till almost 4am!!! That was heaven to us all! Those nights are few and far between! Today was back to school and work...I like my time at work and being with the kids but I liked the summer care free'ish days when I got to run on Ray's schedule better...if I had a rough night with him...I was more apt to get a nap at some point during the day...not much of that now. Oh well :o) Ray still isn't really liking his cast...its awkward and heavy.....its harder to move about and sleep with too. We still hae major days of depressions and with all the "What if's", MONEY...and when do we worry about work....yada yada yada.....its just so mentally exhausting for Ray and I...but we know we are blessed and tell each other sometimes on a hourly basis how much we love each other and feel the strength of the other pulling us through a particularly tough time. Its amazing what trial can do for a marriage! I love you Ray and my heart aches for you and I pray each day we see some light!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Awwww Friday!

We have had an ok few days....Ray describes it best when people ask him how he is doing "Some moments are great and then it can change in an instant" Its so true...we never know what the day or even HOUR will bring. Ray is continuing to improve albeit VERY slowly....He is still trying to adjust to the weight of the cast....His analogy is that he knows what those who were giving "cement shoes" by the mafia feel like! And sometimes he says he feels like he is sinking to the ocean. Yesterday he did something grand! Since I was going to work a little longer today he decided to take Frontrunner to his parents....I went with him to the loading platform made sure he got on the train ok...and his parents picked him up at the Ogden depot. He and I were both nervous but it turned out GREAT! He had a nice day with his parents and brother and was a much needed change of venue!!! Then that afternoon he rode back and I picked up back up! It will be a regular thing I long as he feels up to it....on the good mornings this is the thing to do...I guess if he has a bad afternoon and can't return via train we can always pick him up after work/school. We had a mix up with Ray's sleeping pills and the he had to go last night without them....He didn't think they really helped....OH BOY...yes they do...He got little to none sleep last night! Poor guy....maybe he can catch a nap or two today. Well that's it for now...Hope all is well with you all. HUGS!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday Date Day...

So Ray and I had our usual Tuesday date (with Dr. Scott!) This one was later in the afternoon (a little more stressful for Ray to wait and think about it all day...but with me working its easier on me and my work) they were very prompt as usual! Lani came right in and removed the dressing and half cast....Ray had already asked me to be in a prime visual spot to look at the leg. (He was reading my reaction) It looked a little better. Not as great of a change from post op week 1 to week 2 but at least its still moving in the right direction! The swelling was better too! The leg was way down and slight improvement in the foot (you could even tell he still has an ankle....although it still looks like a "cankle" :o) Ray heads off to X-ray....after he returns he asks me point blank again if it is improved. I said yes (it took a little convincing for him to be sure I was giving it to him straight up!) So then Dr. Scott comes in...he thinks it looks great too! Everything is still lining up on the X-ray.....not much change....but that's good we are not going backwards. I asked a couple of questions about the leg...1. What was the black spots on and around his incision first look I thought it was dried blood...but as I got closer to it, it had tissue like substance to it...they explained it was dead skin....(DON'T be alarmed) he only has 3 minor/small areas of it. and its normal due to trauma in the area. 2. Ray has this "bump" on his shin again.....I asked Dr. Scott about it....he said..."Well its not the plates (to high) its not the pins (wrong area) He said it could be a tumor growing (unlikely) but in any case we will keep a close eye on it. Nothing is showing up in the bone per Xrays....but X-ray can't rule out things in the tissue. So Dr. Scott decided it was time to CAST the leg!!! Out came the remaining staples....and on goes a RED cast!!! (Ray tried to cover all areas with the red color...Husker Football, U of U supporter, Bountiful Braves supporter and last but not least WPA support (they are RED, white and blue!) The plan is to wear this cast for 3 weeks...then they will reevaluate again with a new X ray and POSSIBLY start a little weight bearing in about 4 weeks! Will possible radiation to follow! We felt blessed to hear such good news...but on the other hand we are stressed....Ray's 12 week FMLA will be up before this all comes the job we just don't know yet.....but will the Lord's blessings we WILL make it through whatever trials we have to endure.

Ok on a lighter note....we think its time we name the "donor" bone in his when its acting up instead of saying "Awww my leg hurts" he could say "Awww (feel in the name) is giving me a hard time" etc.....we feel it should be a woman's name (for some reason we think is a woman cadaver bone)....and unique...Bertha? Matilda etc...we are looking to YOU for suggestions! Leave a comment if you have a name idea!

Keep in touch for the next update......

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A last fling.....

It was our last weekend before school starts and since we have had so much hospital time, doctor visits etc this summer.....we really haven't done anything with the kids. (Thank heavens my Sister, Dad & Mom kept them doing fun things so they weren't bored) was our ward camp out last Friday night. Back in May (before any of this medical nightmare unfolded) we booked a motel room in Heber (only 26 miles from the camp out) Ray needs access to our own facilities and lets face it...I HATE camping! We had done an Internet special price which was non fast forward till now.....we decided to try it and even if we didn't spend much time at the camp out the girls could swim and have a mini staycation. So since we had a paid room we did it! It turned out fine......The ride to the camp spot was on the brink of TOO much for was a lot of dirt, winding, rutted roads.....not very sensitive to a sore leg. But we made it....we enjoyed about 2 1/2 hours and made it to catch a bite of dinner but then he had had it.....he was such a trooper and he so enjoyed seeing everyone and talking! The girls did ok too....then we headed back to Heber and swam to the girls hearts content...I swam some too...and Ray laid in a lounge chair poolside with his foot up and watched the girls giggle and have fun! We even had a late check out so it was a repeat in the morning too! Ray slept so sound Friday night....we all did....I think from his exertion, the bed was comfy, and the black out drapes...we all slept till 8am!! We came home to have some more fun with the rectangle family. The Neff's had rented a HUGE/TALL slip and slide bounce house....Ray enjoyed chatting with every one there too! Then last night he had another GREAT night sleep!!! I think the 2 sleeping pills and now in his system more have been a great move! The leg is slowly healing and not requiring so much pain meds (I was always in awe of how much he was taking and the Dr. kept assuring us it was REALLY needed!) Now we are still working on his sugars...but all in all a great way to spend a final weekend together!

P.S. I just wanted to write to Ray and tell him Happy Birthday....he celebrates his 46th birthday today!! From when all this cancer battle started in 2007 we both wondered which birthday would be his last....and strive to make each day count! I love you are amazing....your strength is unwavering....your faith strong as they come....your loyalty to family and friends are an inspiration to me (an everyone who knows you!) Your a great Dad and husband and friend...I am honored to have you in my life and will give my all to helping you fight and achieve when you want in life! I LOVE YOU!

Friday, August 20, 2010

A rested morning...

This morning Ray and I were talking and it was a pleasant surprise to find that we both almost woke feeling rested! Ray was able to stay in bed from 10p to 2am (with only 1 nature break) then he slept fairly well down in the recliner from 3am till about 6am!!! This hasn't happened in a long while!!! I slept in there two....but I had two companions in bed on and off through out the night...if it wasn't one it was the other and sometimes double duty!! Ray and I have to realized and have patience with them because all this affects them too! Ray also said he feels his swelling has gone down even MORE! Yahoo!!! The true test will be at the Dr. on Tuesday again!!! We got that name of the new endocrinologist and made an appointment....wanna take a guess of when it is????? NOVEMBER 8th! Sheesh.....but if Dr. Ott says she's worth the wait we jumped on board! Since Ray needed to see an endocrinologist sooner we made an appointment with our old one (from the old insurance) she can get us in A LOT sooner but it means a little more out of pocket....but when it comes to expense is too great! We see her in 2 weeks. We ourselves have been working hard on adjusting the insulin a bit and I am happy to report we have been in the low 100's for a reading or two! WAHOO!!! So life is moving (baby steps forward) and we just pray daily that the backwards steps (we know we will have several) won't outnumber the forward ones. Hugs to each and everyone of you who continue to support and help us! We wanted to give a great shout out to Laurie W and her family for providing such a D'lish dinner of meatball sandwiches last night! (they were homemade and YUMMY!!) Thanks so much Laurie!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A wind in our sails....

So this past Tuesday we went back to Dr. Scott. They unwrapped the half cast....and I think all 3 of us (Dr. Scott, Lani & I) gasped....of course Ray wasn't looking!!! :o) Then Dr. Scott said "Wow what a difference!" And he was right! Its was a 100% better then the week before! He leg is starting to look its regular color, it had MINOR redness along the incision and FAR less gray or blackness to it like last week....not intense red and purple like before! It was amazing. Dr. Scott then said that he was encouraged because he knew from our visit last week that his leg would go one way or the other without much room in the middle....he figured it would be amazing results or catastrophic in its demise. Now I want to stress we are NOT out of the woods yet...but the outside healing is one step that we needed to hurdle! Ray was the topic (again) of the Tuesday Tumor Conference. Dr. Scott, Dr. Ott, and Dr. Thomson (all of Ray's doctors) and several others discussed Ray's case and his status (again) Ray was the topic many a Tuesday's at this weekly conference. The biggest decision that was made there was that Ray will NOT do chemo.....they know with his fragility and weight (or lack there of) although it may kill the cancer, it would also in all probability kill him too. So the plan is radiation even though it may not kill it completely.....BUT this is all still a mute point if Ray's ankle/foot.....bone/metal combo heal...its still a concern....and very precarious....if it doesn't not heal he reiterated that the next step is amputation. We also are still struggling with Ray's extreme low blood sugar and lack of sleep.....He has had readings of the blood sugar in the 30's and below 20 remember it should be 80-120!!! This can cause seizures, unconsciousness, incoherent and even death so we are constantly on guard for this. On Tuesday we also saw Dr. Ott (remember we have the Ott/Scott team!) He gave us the "go to" gal for our new endocrinologist ...we will be making an appointment with her. So after looking at the leg and and having the talk of all the new info they removed the stitches and EVERY OTHER we started with 42 and are down by half!! Next week same thing....Tuesday appointment to check healing....oh yeah and the swelling is down...but not enough for casting....we will see for next week! Ray and I feel better...we had a great heart to heart talk on the way home and the rest of the day.......We both agreed on the chemo and both expressed our fears that we both thought Ray shouldn't have had the chemo anyway...its just feels good to hear the medical team say that as well....We don't know what lies ahead with us and Ray's prognosis yet....but we are blessed tremendously!! We have a strong support system of family and friends...and of course we have Heavenly Father's unending love and support! Thanks again to all! We love you! I also wanted to let Ray know how much I love him. I have an unyielding love for him....and will gladly walk hand in hand with him through any trial! Hugs to you all!

See the healthy looking skin!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

No sleep...but Hot water!

Ok I know its been a few days since I last blogged but I feel like a broken record ;o) Ray is about the same....we think we might have a tad less swelling in the foot....its hard to tell when its under wraps!!! But he feels like he can move his ankle a bit around where previously he could not. He is hardly sleeping at night (not good) So luckily he catches cat naps throughout the day still. We tried a new method on the sleeping pills and instead of taking them right before bed...we let him go to sleep first and then when he wakes up at his normal 1st time (body seems to wake up about 1am) then we gave it to him. Did it work??? NOPE! In fact it was probably slightly worse.... :o( His blood sugar also is a constant battle today we have had low 30's AND one so low it didn't register (below 20) that means he is at risk for those seizures still. We keep a close watch on him and adjust accordingly. Tonight we are going to have a FHE on how to use 911 and discuss things that way with the kids in case the need arises it won't be such a scary thing to call. Kinda go over the things that the girls might need to our address again and such. We have had an emotional weekend...with some highs and lows. We had a nice chat with the Bishop...that helped a lot. We had another anonymous $100 dollars delivered to us! If you who generously gave that reads this....Thank you SO much! It means a lot to us and helps us out tremendously!!! Today we also had a new water heater installed thanks to Freestone Plumbing and heating!!! You guys were so generous to us! If anyone is in need of plumbing and heating services look to them...They are AMAZING!!! We go to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully we have a lot of progress to report!! We love you all and feel each and every prayer said on our behalf!

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Couple Days Of......

So since the last blog we have had 2 days of just so-so......The Ambien seems to not help much like it did the first night....he had 2 nights of just so-so sleep. The swelling in his foot/ankle isn't going down despite his best effort to keep it elevated and off of it. The pain is about the same as well...however at night he does seem to be able to go longer stretches while he sleeps without a re-dose of meds! His blood sugar is still out of whack and low most of the times.....He looks tired and worn during the day for the most part he naps...which is good for him....(thanks to all those who text first to see if its ok to call so you don't wake him up!) we just wish his body clock was 12 hours different and he slept during the night and not day....but since we have really no schedule of sorts....sleep is sleep right???

On a side note our water heater is leaking so it needs to be replaced :o( When it rains it pours!!!

Love to you all! We are blessed to have you all in our lives!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A better day...

So after yesterdays emotional ride....we had a much nicer one today! Ray (with the help of Ambien) was able to get a GREAT nights rest last night.....he went to bed about 9:30p...then I checked his blood sugar at 11:30p (low so it was a drink of juice) then he slept till 5am (potty break) then back again till 8:30am! He hasn't slept that good in YEARS! He didn't even remember the two times he was up! Then today was low key and resting....we did spend about 2 1/2 hours outside...the girls got to play with friends...and I got to talk to one of my besties...and Ray soaked up some vitamin D! We had a good dinner of shells (Thanks Tory!) and that always helps when I don't have to cook. And he is in bed hopefully he will get just as good a rest as last night! I am off to bed shortly too! Thanks again for all the prayers and support and kindness! We love you!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pictures from today's Dr.'s visit....

His swollen is HUGE!

The knee incision is where they inserted the rod.....and the shin is where the tumor and bone was removed and then replaced with the cadaver bone

getting ready to reapply half cast

Dr. visit....and a few blows to the gut.....

So today was our 2nd post op visit for the 2nd operation......we were hoping for a boot and not a cast.....well the result!?!??! Neither!! After they removed it....they discovered it is far to swollen for either.....Ray did like the fact that the half cast was off...He got about 1/2 hour without anything.....they took some X-rays....and removed the staples from the knee....the ones on the shin will have to stay in place at least for another week. The wound in comparison from the first surgery is horrible! The first one really looked good...not much discoloration (just the little red spot of the minor infection) but his the whole leg was VERY discolored and swollen and the cut now has sutures with the staples. His poor foot was the most LOOKED painful! So that was our first blow.....back into the half cast for at least another week. 2nd blow was from the was weird seeing all the hardware and I was under the impression that this was a pretty solid fix......the upper part (near the knee) looks great it only has one pin through the rod....but near the ankle/metatarsals it is FULL of hardware....plates, pins and the rod. And we knew from the surgery that they had to go WAY close to the ankle/foot-leg connection but until we saw the X-rays we had no idea how TRULY close it was! So this is our most vital part.......its the thing we must pray heals and fuses together. If it doesn't (and would be called a non-union) that would be trouble!!! No use of the foot and in extreme case amputation ::shudder:: So this area is the top priority right now. He compared it to a paper clip and if you keep bending it back and forth it eventually breaks....that's what we want to avoid and pray it heals! 3rd blow came in the topic of margins....this we were familiar with due to Ray's two abdominal a nut shell when they remove something they hope to remove it far enough to have CLEAN margins....the top looks great....CLEAN margins....but at that darn ankle/foot area there was cancer cells present.....Not the best news....this means on top of the radiation we already planned on chemo will be most likely (so hard on his weak body) but all this will be a mute point if we can't get it to either chemo/radiation is out for probably another month or so....4th blow.......healing time could be in excess of 3-6 MONTHS! ARGH! We were still in our frame of mind of 6-8 weeks!!! It was a horrible afternoon for me.....and a surreal one for Ray (thanks in part to heavy pain meds) So we left with some wind knocked out of our sail.....and some new prescriptions.....more pain pills for Ray and some help Ray sleep...his sleep is getting less and less despite the pain meds.....We follow up in a week to see how things have progressed. Well there you have it.....And I don't want to sound demanding or anything but we could sure use and extra prayer or two to build up our faith to endure to the end! Oh we were waiting for Dr. Scott (a long time too which is unusual) and then when he finally came in he apologized and then went on to explain he was with a family and a patient FOURTEEN years old is all that has the same thing as Ray.....a tumor in her bone but this one is in the femur. Ray and I shared some tears for this girl......I don't know her name or anything but please pray for her as well!! We love you all!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Two steps step back...

Ok...I apologize for not blogging sooner....I can't believe the weekend came and went so fast. Saturday was another decent day.....we went to my Mom's house to visit her, visit some out of town dear friends, and bottom line it was nice to be out of the house for us and the kids! Ray was animated and full of chat (which is so nice to see!) He had his humor and loved chatting with everyone! Thanks Janet & Chuckie! Before we knew it we spent almost 6 hours there!! What an outing for Ray! But then that night it hit....Things were normal as we went to bed and Ray got a decent sleep from about 8:30p till about 11p....then it was pain, chills, slight fever, he was up every hour...and from 2:00a-4:30a he was up was bad in many ways...but it was also good for Ray and I...we were able to talk about of sensitive things and we were both emotionally stable so it was a GREAT talk! I just wish it wasn't because he was up with pain!
The next day we were both exhausted!!! We did go back to my Mom's for some breakfast and to say good bye to our friends. A much shorter visit on Sunday....then we got back home and got Ray settled...he slept off and on through the afternoon and eve and then we were all in bed by 9pm ish. It was a better night then Saturday's night only up a couple times but he is still tired. We still haven't figured out exactly whats causing his lows on the blood sugar...I went online and found that the pain pills can indeed cause we are just monitoring closely. Today is a rest day for us. My sister is gonna reprieve the girls from boredom today (Thanks Manda!) and I hope Ray and I get a nap OR two!!! One more day till Dr. Scott's appointment....Ray is so anxious and wants it here!

Friday, August 6, 2010

It's Friday.....right?

So Thursday was an O.K. day! Ray had some pain but it was tolerable with the pills....we even hung in the rectangle for a couple hours and it felt semi normal! The kids played with friends and Ray soaked up sunshine! Ray is still having rough nights (seems like days are ok) he has pain, uncomfortable with cast, sweats, and lower blood sugar to worry about. But he is going longer stretches without pain pills so less loopy but then when the pain hits hits hard. Another good sign is that he WANTS to go back to work! (can you imagine saying that??) He is also anxious to have his cast off!!! Even though Tuesday it will come off (another will be put right back on) but he says he is looking forward to wiggling his ankle and toes even if its just for a few minutes!!! We continue to be blessed tremendously!! This morning we went to breakfast with Ray's was nice to get out of the house for a bit and we had some good conversation along with some excellent food! Thanks Mom & Dad for treating us! Thanks to all who have brought dinners, soups, etc...they are all greatly appreciated! I really thought I could do it all...but really we are all so exhausted all the time! Also we enjoy the calls of people chatting for a few and checking up on us. Without you all we wouldn't be strong enough to endure!!

Love to you all!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

HUMP day....

Last night was a little more restless for Ray then usual. He had two drops in his blood sugar. A 33 and a 53....dangerously low...for some reason his pain pills drop it lower then I watched him closely and checked the blood sugar frequently. The best news was that Ray went a longer stretch without pain meds today!!! He had his last one at 5:00am and didn't have one until 2:30pm!!! Now he is loopy again! :o) I worked on bills today...and it got me to reflecting again on how blessed we are! I thought about how little blessings come and serve in big ways! I haven't gone into details on some of the things that happened at the fund raiser but one comes to mind I wanted to share.....The Reudter's girls worked the lemon water stand.....and sweet Gabby served up a cup to a gentleman (no one that we knew) that paid for that $0.15 glass with a HUNDRED DOLLAR BILL!! And he didn't want change!....I also so kids that brought their own allowance to donate and buy things! Some other kids...did face painting and leg, arms whatever...and earned some great donations! Its all these sweet and adults.....that reinforce there is a LOT of good in this world! I love you all!

Till next time....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So today was our 1st follow up for the 2nd surgery :o) I think my brain is mush!!! Last night went ok....except for we had some kids crawling into our bed during a tremendous thunder/lightening/wind/rain storm! I love those! I think it is so funny, Ray gets so out of doesn't realize he is sleeping so much!!! We did ok last night...Ray only needed to get re-dosed once during the night. Today for the Dr. visit Courtney was able to go to her school friends house "M" thanks April for letting her come!!! Cami went along with us to the appointment. I think she may be my "doctor in the family" either that or she is so much like me and likes all the blood and guts of surgeries and such! (Bring on Trauma Life in the E.R.!!!) She has helped me when I do the striping and draining of the JP drains (Ray had two) She would help me look to measure it then flush it! It never grossed her out...although there were several gooey clots (ok I know TMI!!) She also liked the fact that we have a wheel chair for Daddy now (Thanks Papa and Great Grandma!!!) She pushed him around and we even took Daddy down to the hospital cafeteria for lunch! (A hint here....IMC has the best food and its CHEAP!) Ray and I sometimes have a lunch date there! :o) There wasn't much of an evaluation today just the removal of the LONG JP tubes! Ray's blood pressure hit the roof I think! Cami and I just looked on with enthusiasm!! We follow up again in a week for xrays, labs, and possibly a hard FULL cast. Cami was a little disappointed...she wanted to see ALL of Daddy's "bolts" aka staples!!! She will have to wait till next week! We came home to pick up Courtney but they still wanted her to stay and this time Cami wanted to stay (Thanks again April!!) so we had a quiet (and I really mean a/c, no TV, no computer....the power was out for about 45 mins) not that it bothered Ray he slept for 2 1/2 hours! He asked me why I didn't wake him up?!??! Silly boy doesn't he know that is why we are home to heal....NO INTERRUPTIONS!!! I can entertain myself....I had a while to read and just de-stress! Well again thanks for all everyone has done! Both in prayers and thoughts and actions! We are truly grateful!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sabbath....A day of rest....for Ray

Ok I think Saturday night went ok...we combated pain intermixed with sleep but he did sleep in about 3 hour stretches!!! Sunday was a nice and relaxing day.....Courtney slept in till 11:00am!!! She has NEVER done that!!! And that was on top of that we all were sleeping by 10:00pm Saturday night! I think Saturday wore us all out!! So Ray did a lot of sleeping Sunday day.....we had the Sacrament brought to us so we could partake. The girls played with all their toys they have missed over the last 3 weeks. We had a delicious dinner of pot roast, potatoes, and carrots a side salad and the kids favorite chocolate ice-cream for dessert! Thanks Doane's!!! It was so appreciated! Last night we had a movie night with all of us and Ray was awake enough to enjoy the screening of Toy Story 2....then off to last night wasn't as good as before....Ray was more restless....and only slept in little pieces.....we tried a Valium (first time he has had it this time around at home) but it did little.....I hope today he can catch up a bit. My dad is taking the girls a bit to play with their cousins (Thanks Papa!!) and that gives Ray and I a great opportunity to nap!! Today we call the Dr's office to set up our appointment for tomorrow. We have another movie night in the works...its so nice to all snuggle together and enjoy! Thanks again for all the prayers, help and phone calls they are all felt and appreciated!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A great July 31st!

Ok so I left off last time with me heading back to the hospital and awaiting the girls to visit Ray....He had asked about them continually and was ready for some loving! They did come (Thanks Papa and Great Grandma for bringing them!) and they were full of chit chat!!! And yes we did do our usually ice-cream run...but the surprise this time....Ray loaded into a wheel chair for his second adventure to the cafeteria in one day!!! WTG honey!!! We had a lot of fun! And we ate backwards...had ice-cream then the girls said they were THEN we had dinner...Ray was alert and chatting and we had the great company of his nephew Dustin (Thanks Dustin it was a fun eve!) The girls had what they call the yummiest bacon, scrambled eggs and toast! They ate about half of the huge order then Ray finished off every bite!!! After that we headed back upstairs....met his family in the hall and said our good nights and settled in for the was about the same as the night before but with a little more up and down because he could now go INTO the bathroom!!! The next morning we had a quite a surprise....Dr. Scott came bright and early and gave us the run down that things looked good......He was going to give Ray one last transfusion to "fill him to the gills" and also called it "added insurance" just to give him a head start for home....yep that is right....HOME!! A day or two earlier then we expected!!! Ray was anxious over this but after talking a while with Dr. Scott then we got a visit from Dr. Ott and he concurred Ray was at peace with it an happy! So since we had seen both Dr's and had to wait for the transfusion I headed home to check out the fund raising yard sale. I came home the back way then walked through the side yard....(now remember I had seen pictures and they kept telling me they didn't do the sale just BOY WERE THEY RIGHT!!) I was overwhelmed with emotion as I opened my gate to see the great expanse of things too sell!!! It stretched the length of the common area and those of you who know our rectangle now that is a HUGE space!!!! I was in tears as I moved from one person to another....all those who had worked all week and then the night before till midnight pricing and setting up....THEN getting up at 430 am to meet eager crowds that arrived at 630am!!! There was so much going on!!! Booth of goodies! Booth of snow-cones! Booth of face painting! Booth of yummy lemon water!!! Booth of crafts! You name we had was like a rectangle department store! I am so glad I took the time leave the hospital to come and feel the love and strength of this event!!!!! I saw people I haven't seen in years/decades supporting me. People I had no idea who they dear family that worked hard right along with all those (my chosen family members) who coordinating this was amazing!!! Two people that I know of (don't know who either of them are) bought a 15 cent lemon water with a $100 bill and didn't want another who bought about $6 dollars worth of baked goods with $100 bill and didn't want change...and everyone seemed to do something worth 6 or 7 dollars pay for it with a $20 and donated the change! It was so amazing!!! I stayed for a couple of hours then headed back to the hospital. Ray was just barely getting the transfusion underway....and it takes about 3 hours...also that day Ray had a really solid 2 1/2 hours of DEEP sleep.....when he woke up he asked why he wasn't home and I told him that he had to show he was able to remain somewhat alert.....after hearing that he worked hard on doing just that and soon we were out the door about 6:00pm ish....As we headed home he mentioned he wanted to stop out front and chat with a few of the neighbors to thank them for all they did at the yard sale. As we got there I did think it weird that everyone was wanting to know an approximate time! (so unlike them!) but as we arrived we had the Wood's, Doane's, Noice's, Reudeter's, Preston's and my Sister and kids (a handful of those who worked hard to pull this off) they were there to get their hugs from us...then in the sweetest/funniest way they wanted us to guess how much the day earned.....Ray and I gave our guesses....after that all the ladies held up their hands in order with a number each to indicate the total!! They were worried about Ray falling over but it turned out it was me! In our wildest dreams we never could have imagined the total!!!!! Tears flowed freely!!! (I want you all to know it was tears of joy this time!!) :o) This was a HUGE success. It would not have been possible without the hard work and pre-planning of The Wood's and Doane's the eagerness of the Reudter's, Noice's, and Preston's to help.....Deb, Latisha, Kristy, My Sister Amanda, Heather, Loren, Nathan, Mark, Mike, Jamy, My Dad, My Mom,KM, Ronnie.......well you get the picture! ALL of you who helped!!! Also the community and friends (some who came from miles away) to buy, donate and support us! You all made this a huge success! It truly was an event blessed on by Heavenly Father and truly showed Christ like love!!! We are always going to have you in our hearts and prayers! Thank you! Thank You! Thank you!! We got our girls home and we were all under the same roof and loving just sitting with each other! We all ended up in bed early....all of us asleep before 10pm!! It was an ok night....pain and sleep repeated throughout the night but we made it! On to recovery!! Thanks again all for those who helped, silently in prayer, phone calls, letters, cards, you name it we have had it! We are glad to be home but want to stress that we are not having visitors. Ray needs to be able to sleep on demand and not feel like he has to entertain or try and stay awake for the sake of visiting. It is draining on both of us! Love to you all!!!