Monday, August 30, 2010
Weekend in Review....
Friday, August 27, 2010
Awwww Friday!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tuesday Date Day...
Ok on a lighter note....we think its time we name the "donor" bone in his when its acting up instead of saying "Awww my leg hurts" he could say "Awww (feel in the name) is giving me a hard time" etc.....we feel it should be a woman's name (for some reason we think is a woman cadaver bone)....and unique...Bertha? Matilda etc...we are looking to YOU for suggestions! Leave a comment if you have a name idea!
Keep in touch for the next update......
Sunday, August 22, 2010
A last fling.....
P.S. I just wanted to write to Ray and tell him Happy Birthday....he celebrates his 46th birthday today!! From when all this cancer battle started in 2007 we both wondered which birthday would be his last....and strive to make each day count! I love you are amazing....your strength is unwavering....your faith strong as they come....your loyalty to family and friends are an inspiration to me (an everyone who knows you!) Your a great Dad and husband and friend...I am honored to have you in my life and will give my all to helping you fight and achieve when you want in life! I LOVE YOU!
Friday, August 20, 2010
A rested morning...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A wind in our sails....
So this past Tuesday we went back to Dr. Scott. They unwrapped the half cast....and I think all 3 of us (Dr. Scott, Lani & I) gasped....of course Ray wasn't looking!!! :o) Then Dr. Scott said "Wow what a difference!" And he was right! Its was a 100% better then the week before! He leg is starting to look its regular color, it had MINOR redness along the incision and FAR less gray or blackness to it like last week....not intense red and purple like before! It was amazing. Dr. Scott then said that he was encouraged because he knew from our visit last week that his leg would go one way or the other without much room in the middle....he figured it would be amazing results or catastrophic in its demise. Now I want to stress we are NOT out of the woods yet...but the outside healing is one step that we needed to hurdle! Ray was the topic (again) of the Tuesday Tumor Conference. Dr. Scott, Dr. Ott, and Dr. Thomson (all of Ray's doctors) and several others discussed Ray's case and his status (again) Ray was the topic many a Tuesday's at this weekly conference. The biggest decision that was made there was that Ray will NOT do chemo.....they know with his fragility and weight (or lack there of) although it may kill the cancer, it would also in all probability kill him too. So the plan is radiation even though it may not kill it completely.....BUT this is all still a mute point if Ray's ankle/foot.....bone/metal combo heal...its still a concern....and very precarious....if it doesn't not heal he reiterated that the next step is amputation. We also are still struggling with Ray's extreme low blood sugar and lack of sleep.....He has had readings of the blood sugar in the 30's and below 20 remember it should be 80-120!!! This can cause seizures, unconsciousness, incoherent and even death so we are constantly on guard for this. On Tuesday we also saw Dr. Ott (remember we have the Ott/Scott team!) He gave us the "go to" gal for our new endocrinologist ...we will be making an appointment with her. So after looking at the leg and and having the talk of all the new info they removed the stitches and EVERY OTHER we started with 42 and are down by half!! Next week same thing....Tuesday appointment to check healing....oh yeah and the swelling is down...but not enough for casting....we will see for next week! Ray and I feel better...we had a great heart to heart talk on the way home and the rest of the day.......We both agreed on the chemo and both expressed our fears that we both thought Ray shouldn't have had the chemo anyway...its just feels good to hear the medical team say that as well....We don't know what lies ahead with us and Ray's prognosis yet....but we are blessed tremendously!! We have a strong support system of family and friends...and of course we have Heavenly Father's unending love and support! Thanks again to all! We love you! I also wanted to let Ray know how much I love him. I have an unyielding love for him....and will gladly walk hand in hand with him through any trial! Hugs to you all!
See the healthy looking skin!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010
No sleep...but Hot water!
Friday, August 13, 2010
A Couple Days Of......
On a side note our water heater is leaking so it needs to be replaced :o( When it rains it pours!!!
Love to you all! We are blessed to have you all in our lives!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A better day...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Pictures from today's Dr.'s visit....
Dr. visit....and a few blows to the gut.....
Monday, August 9, 2010
Two steps step back...
The next day we were both exhausted!!! We did go back to my Mom's for some breakfast and to say good bye to our friends. A much shorter visit on Sunday....then we got back home and got Ray settled...he slept off and on through the afternoon and eve and then we were all in bed by 9pm ish. It was a better night then Saturday's night only up a couple times but he is still tired. We still haven't figured out exactly whats causing his lows on the blood sugar...I went online and found that the pain pills can indeed cause we are just monitoring closely. Today is a rest day for us. My sister is gonna reprieve the girls from boredom today (Thanks Manda!) and I hope Ray and I get a nap OR two!!! One more day till Dr. Scott's appointment....Ray is so anxious and wants it here!
Friday, August 6, 2010
It's Friday.....right?
Love to you all!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
HUMP day....
Till next time....