Friday, August 6, 2010

It's Friday.....right?

So Thursday was an O.K. day! Ray had some pain but it was tolerable with the pills....we even hung in the rectangle for a couple hours and it felt semi normal! The kids played with friends and Ray soaked up sunshine! Ray is still having rough nights (seems like days are ok) he has pain, uncomfortable with cast, sweats, and lower blood sugar to worry about. But he is going longer stretches without pain pills so less loopy but then when the pain hits hits hard. Another good sign is that he WANTS to go back to work! (can you imagine saying that??) He is also anxious to have his cast off!!! Even though Tuesday it will come off (another will be put right back on) but he says he is looking forward to wiggling his ankle and toes even if its just for a few minutes!!! We continue to be blessed tremendously!! This morning we went to breakfast with Ray's was nice to get out of the house for a bit and we had some good conversation along with some excellent food! Thanks Mom & Dad for treating us! Thanks to all who have brought dinners, soups, etc...they are all greatly appreciated! I really thought I could do it all...but really we are all so exhausted all the time! Also we enjoy the calls of people chatting for a few and checking up on us. Without you all we wouldn't be strong enough to endure!!

Love to you all!

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