Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday Date Day...

So Ray and I had our usual Tuesday date (with Dr. Scott!) This one was later in the afternoon (a little more stressful for Ray to wait and think about it all day...but with me working its easier on me and my work) they were very prompt as usual! Lani came right in and removed the dressing and half cast....Ray had already asked me to be in a prime visual spot to look at the leg. (He was reading my reaction) It looked a little better. Not as great of a change from post op week 1 to week 2 but at least its still moving in the right direction! The swelling was better too! The leg was way down and slight improvement in the foot (you could even tell he still has an ankle....although it still looks like a "cankle" :o) Ray heads off to X-ray....after he returns he asks me point blank again if it is improved. I said yes (it took a little convincing for him to be sure I was giving it to him straight up!) So then Dr. Scott comes in...he thinks it looks great too! Everything is still lining up on the X-ray.....not much change....but that's good we are not going backwards. I asked a couple of questions about the leg...1. What was the black spots on and around his incision area....at first look I thought it was dried blood...but as I got closer to it, it had tissue like substance to it...they explained it was dead skin....(DON'T be alarmed) he only has 3 minor/small areas of it. and its normal due to trauma in the area. 2. Ray has this "bump" on his shin again.....I asked Dr. Scott about it....he said..."Well its not the plates (to high) its not the pins (wrong area) He said it could be a tumor growing (unlikely) but in any case we will keep a close eye on it. Nothing is showing up in the bone per Xrays....but X-ray can't rule out things in the tissue. So Dr. Scott decided it was time to CAST the leg!!! Out came the remaining staples....and on goes a RED cast!!! (Ray tried to cover all areas with the red color...Husker Football, U of U supporter, Bountiful Braves supporter and last but not least WPA support (they are RED, white and blue!) The plan is to wear this cast for 3 weeks...then they will reevaluate again with a new X ray and POSSIBLY start a little weight bearing in about 4 weeks! Will possible radiation to follow! We felt blessed to hear such good news...but on the other hand we are stressed....Ray's 12 week FMLA will be up before this all comes about....so the job we just don't know yet.....but will the Lord's blessings we WILL make it through whatever trials we have to endure.

Ok on a lighter note....we think its time we name the "donor" bone in his leg....so when its acting up instead of saying "Awww my leg hurts" he could say "Awww (feel in the name) is giving me a hard time" etc.....we feel it should be a woman's name (for some reason we think is a woman cadaver bone)....and unique...Bertha? Matilda etc...we are looking to YOU for suggestions! Leave a comment if you have a name idea!

Keep in touch for the next update......


  1. I just have one thing to say about this post other than YAY for things going in the right direction. Bountiful Braves?!?! Come on....

  2. Oh.. and a unique female name...I am thinking maybe Pearl...older,unique name and the same color as bones...kinda. ♥

  3. how about Cordelia? but I like the sound of Bertha if Ray wants to scream -- BER --tha youre hurting me!

    :-) km and ronnie
