Friday, August 27, 2010

Awwww Friday!

We have had an ok few days....Ray describes it best when people ask him how he is doing "Some moments are great and then it can change in an instant" Its so true...we never know what the day or even HOUR will bring. Ray is continuing to improve albeit VERY slowly....He is still trying to adjust to the weight of the cast....His analogy is that he knows what those who were giving "cement shoes" by the mafia feel like! And sometimes he says he feels like he is sinking to the ocean. Yesterday he did something grand! Since I was going to work a little longer today he decided to take Frontrunner to his parents....I went with him to the loading platform made sure he got on the train ok...and his parents picked him up at the Ogden depot. He and I were both nervous but it turned out GREAT! He had a nice day with his parents and brother and was a much needed change of venue!!! Then that afternoon he rode back and I picked up back up! It will be a regular thing I long as he feels up to it....on the good mornings this is the thing to do...I guess if he has a bad afternoon and can't return via train we can always pick him up after work/school. We had a mix up with Ray's sleeping pills and the he had to go last night without them....He didn't think they really helped....OH BOY...yes they do...He got little to none sleep last night! Poor guy....maybe he can catch a nap or two today. Well that's it for now...Hope all is well with you all. HUGS!

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