Monday, August 2, 2010

Sabbath....A day of rest....for Ray

Ok I think Saturday night went ok...we combated pain intermixed with sleep but he did sleep in about 3 hour stretches!!! Sunday was a nice and relaxing day.....Courtney slept in till 11:00am!!! She has NEVER done that!!! And that was on top of that we all were sleeping by 10:00pm Saturday night! I think Saturday wore us all out!! So Ray did a lot of sleeping Sunday day.....we had the Sacrament brought to us so we could partake. The girls played with all their toys they have missed over the last 3 weeks. We had a delicious dinner of pot roast, potatoes, and carrots a side salad and the kids favorite chocolate ice-cream for dessert! Thanks Doane's!!! It was so appreciated! Last night we had a movie night with all of us and Ray was awake enough to enjoy the screening of Toy Story 2....then off to last night wasn't as good as before....Ray was more restless....and only slept in little pieces.....we tried a Valium (first time he has had it this time around at home) but it did little.....I hope today he can catch up a bit. My dad is taking the girls a bit to play with their cousins (Thanks Papa!!) and that gives Ray and I a great opportunity to nap!! Today we call the Dr's office to set up our appointment for tomorrow. We have another movie night in the works...its so nice to all snuggle together and enjoy! Thanks again for all the prayers, help and phone calls they are all felt and appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Sheri,
    I don't think you have any idea what this blog does for me and many others I am sure. My life is so simple compared to yours, my troubles are so small compared to yours. It is really a big reality check for me each time I read it.
    Thank you for sharing the good and the bad with us, it does wonders for me and also let me know what is going on with Ray.
    I hope that (God forbid) if I was ever put in your position, I could deal with it as well as you have. You are so strong, so compassionate and one of the most loving people I know.
    Always take time for yourself and remember you have a support team as big as you need.
    Love ya kiddo and glad to hear Ray is doing (ok)..
