Tuesday, July 27, 2010

And back to the hospital they go.....

Hey everyone. Brek here (I'm Ray & Sheri's next door neighbor). Sheri asked me to give a quick update. They went in for a doctor's appointment this morning and Ray was in EXTREME pain. They unwrapped the leg and found that he had cellulitis (not sure on the spelling) of the skin down by his incision. This is an infection. The doc admitted him to the hospital and got him on a couple of different antibiotics and also some morphine. They are running some tests to see just how infected it is - whether it is just the skin or if it has gone further, like into the tissue, muscle, or bone. Again, it looks like right now it is cellulitis of the skin. I'm sure Sheri will keep us updated if things change. Please just keep on praying for this special little family! We sure do love them!

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