Thursday, July 22, 2010

Midnight......that's why I am usually in bed!

Ok....last night can only be labeled WEIRD! And like clock work from the night before....Midnight strikes and Ray (instead of turning into a pumpkin) turned into an attempted escape artist, Houdini, stunt man, and a person who is able to speak in a foreign language (although I'm not sure from where) :o).....want a translation?? Ok here it is....I'm woke up about 12:01am by the alarm sounding on Ray's pulse ox.....I try to get his attention like I usually do "Ray, breath in through the nose out through the mouth" he mumbles here and there so I know he is pretty out of it from the the time I get up and over to the bed the nurse is there...I guess he had pushed the button to call the nurse but never really said much. Come to find out that turkey was trying to get out of bed on his own to go "somewhere" he wasn't sure where he wanted to go! He had taken off his oxygen, pulse ox monitor not only from the cord but also he took the taped one on his finger off, he had his leg compression cuffs off, his BP cuff off, and was attempting to take one of his two IV's off/out! So after being chastised by the nurse and me we get him all hooked up back in bed. He is in bed for about 10 mins when he tells me he needs to go to the bathroom! (We still haven't been successful in this area yet since cath removal) I want to call the aide but he veto's I get him all unhooked (legally this time!) and head to the bathroom. I get him situated and give him his privacy. Next thing I know he has fallen! Soaking wet....we had a basin of warm water near him. Our stubborn patient of the evening decided to stand on his own! Luckily the toilet broke his fall from falling all the way down! It still hurt and scared him but at least nothing is a lasting problem. Needless to say I FIRMLY told him he will NOT be allowed to stand without someone with him bathroom break or not!!! He was so restless the rest of the night....talking weird things...bad was an exhausting night for me! I was so drained this morning!! After talking to the doctor...we are changing our course....Plans for today 1. stopping morphine switching to an oral pain med 2. MUST get things "flowing" :o) 3. MUST do his breathing exercises EVERY hour, He is getting some crackling sounds in his lungs 4. MUST have a standing/walking buddy! That said...I am glad my in-laws came in earlier today...I needed the break and a shower and change....I am decompressing! Breathe in....Breathe out.....awwww!

Until the next post.....


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