Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday Update 7-21-10 night a MUCH better night! Although we did switch from extreme pain to extreme loopy! Ray was funny last night...he was talking in his sleep about work.......and acting out driving.....He asked me to go get him some ice cream from the cafeteria....the 10 mins I took to go get it...he totally forgot that he wanted it! He had to be told to chew his dinner numerous times. Then about midnight he woke me up and said he had to go....Which I thought he meant to the bathroom (ok TMI but he is on a catheter so I figured it was number 2) I knew I couldn't get him to the bathroom by myself so I buzzed for the nurse by the time she got there he was confused again....and said he needed his clothes because he had to GO....not GO....He was convinced he had somewhere to go...but he wasn't sure where....then after we got him settled....10 mins later he woke me up and asked....well demanded me to answer how old Blake was.....Well I don't know a Blake...we certainly don't know a Blake together....and I was pretty sure he really didn't know a after several minutes of him getting a little agitated at me...I finally said "20". That calmed him like his Valium did. Then it was on to haggling the nurses...and again wanting to know when they are going on vacation....They were all laughing....Tonight maybe a 2 drink minimum for his comedy routine?!??! I love ya babe! Well this morning he was a little less loopy (emphasis on the LITTLE) but we were able to get him to eat breakfast, Watch the Price Is Right.....He told me he missed shaking Bob Barkers hand...which I translated into he'd rather have him as host instead of Drew Carey. We had to wait for the doctor until 2:30pish today....we forgot it was his surgery day! Just about the time he showed up....Ray was getting his sponge bath (I told him to just picture us on a nice romantic beach and enjoy the warm water) He was a very good patient for me...and he felt a LOT better we talked to Dr. Scott. He said the labs looked ok....He is borderline on a need for another transfusion but are going to wait until tomorrow mornings labs till he decides. Ray asked he had lost a lot of blood during surgery. The Dr. explained it was a lot due to that tumor had a lot of its own vessels that it had grown and attached itself with it was quite vascular involved. We may be looking at a Friday home date....but that's not set in stone yet. Dr. Scott is really in tune with the needs of the patient and not that of the insurance companies! All in all a much better day! I snuck home for a quick shower and change and I am on my way back. Thanks again all for the texts, calls, and postings to send your love! Ray says to tell everyone he is humbled by the outpouring of support!

Until the next post....


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