Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sporadic funnies....

Ok I have posted already some of the funnies Ray did or said while on his drugs....but I thought I'd include a few more.....It is nice that in a time of stress and the unknown we could laugh now and then to release a little tension!

1: The second volunteer we had in the surgery waiting room was an odd duck...but she did provide entertainment.....She was OLD I would guess close to 90. Hard of hearing and spoke with a heavy accent. As people would walk up to address a question she would ask "What do YOU want" as if she wasn't supposed to be our middle person to what was going on with our love ones in back. Then she would say something to the effect..."Well you will know more then I, When the doctor comes out he will talk to you" That day it was full in the O.R. and apparently pretty darn full in the rooms of the in patient tower because we heard many a times....ok your patient is ready and done with recovery we are just trying to find a room. So there was a lot of anxious people in the waiting room. This one gentleman stood out in our minds as the whole scene unfolded.....He approached her wanting info on his wife....she gave her usual spill...but then reluctantly called back to the O.R. desk....She spoke with them...then said they wanted to talk to the hubby....she then stated very rudely, VERY loud..."After you get done talking to the nurse you come right back here and tell me exactly what she said!!! That way I will know what to tell you next time!!" The whole waiting room was snickering at this point...I mean isn't the point of re-asking how things are is to get an UPDATED update? Not the same thing you heard 2 hours prior? So she send him to the hallway phone....and this poor gentleman is so confused he goes out and picks up the phone.....well the volunteer lady had not transferred it to the phone yet and now with him on it she could she starts banging on the glass walls and yelling at him to hang up the phone! Finally Ray's dad did say something to the fact...of "Give the guy a break will ya!"

2: Ray was in bed...I think it was our second evening post surgery and he is loopy on morphine and he is acting out driving his truck and just like he does in real life he was yelling that the "idiots on the road!"

3: Ray kept asking the nurses when he was going to hydrotherapy.....One nurse after probably hearing at least 5 times in a minute asked him what he meant...and basically he described something like a hot tub....When the nurse said he couldn't get his leg wet he said he'd just hold it up!!

4: This one happened when he was a little more lucid....he was still on pain meds but it wasn't the morphine....this sweet little gal came in....I am guessing she was of Hispanic decent so she didn't speak much English...but she knocked on the door and asked if she could clean our room....we said sure. Then about 15 or 20 seconds later Ray said "then I will give you my home address" You know Ray and his humor......he meant that she could clean our house next....but this poor gal had the deer in the headlights syndrome and stuttered a second or two before she said "Oh I am married" LOL it was so funny! She was so uncomfortable the rest of the time she spent in the room!

5; As the girls were leaving one night pretty late....He was still on morphine and still way wacky...he told the girls to "Call me tomorrow when you are home from school" Both girls looked at me half frightened half thinking Daddy has really lost it...I reminded them that Daddy says funny things sometimes....then I can't remember if it was Cami or Courtney that said "Daddy needs a calendar to remind him we are out of school!"

Well those are just a few I remember I KNOW there is several others....if there is one you remember let me know I'll add them.....just so we have some blackmail material later on :o)

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