Saturday, July 24, 2010


I have so many things to be grateful for! I have some incredible friends and family who got me through was an emotional one. I didn't dare cry with/in front of Ray he was overloaded. I missed my girls so much it physically caused me pain....We were stressed over the MRI findings in the pelvis.....we were stressing over another weekend in the hospital....well you get the picture. I had a tearful and so helpful phone call with "B" and several great texts and a wonderfully uplifted message via google talk thanks "J"!!! Ray's evening last night was full of anxiety, it was clear by about 6pm that we weren't getting any MRI news....Rays leg was looking a teensy bit less swollen (at this point we take pride in BABY steps!) After about 10pm his 4th transfusion was complete and he didn't get hooked up to another IV bag so he had some more freedom of movement (if you can hobbling at a snails pace movement!) So we had a decent night.....and come morning....he was perkier and feisty!!! (always a good sign!) Ray's parents showed up about 10 minutes before Dr. Scott....The docs first words were...."Wow, your looking so much better this morning" (not one person could disagree!! He was a totally different man from the night before!) Then Dr. Scott asked if they would excuse us for a few minutes....(both Ray and I silently figured it was bad news about the MRI) so his parents stepped out and he proceeded to take out both his drain was funny Dr. Scott explained it would be like pulling out two very long worms...He said some of the "worms" have teeth some do not. You shoulda seen Ray's eyes!! As Ray grimaced and moaned...Dr. Scott announced "Oh these ones musta had teeth!" It was so funny! Well then he goes and gets Ray's it turns out the MRI was negative!!!! What a relief....Ray's other labs looked great! There was only one in question......and that is his platelet count the average person has about 300,000 Ray's is about double that a little over 600,000. So Dr. Scott also wants us to follow up with a Medical Oncologist not to be confused with Dr. Scott and Ott who are our SURGICAL Oncologist....and its also different from Dr. Thomason who is our RADIATION oncologist! JEEZ add onto that our PCP....and our Endocrinologist....we are "ist'ed" prettily heavily!! :o) So guess what....WE ARE HOME! After all that was said he told Ray....How about we get you home! It was a surprise (albeit a happy one) to us! We figured it would at least be another day or two!!! And surprisingly after that was announced we were out of the hospital within a couple hours! And if Ray had not misunderstood the nurse we could have left sooner....but we were having such a pleasant time talking with Ray's parents and his sister instead of the room feeling like a prison....we were all calm enough to just be pleasantly chatting!! So we are home....the girls are home!!! (Ray even said....."Oh it will be so good to have the girls here and home and fighter" LOL) So here is our plan....we have a very low key weekend. We are not going anywhere.....we are actually being very reclusive! Sorry but we just aren't up to entertaining visitors! Its so nice to not have to put on a face...we are lounging and loving it! Monday we make contact with Dr. Scotts office to arrange our first post-op check either Tuesday or Thursday. We make contact with the Hyper baric Chamber doctor. Ray will do the Hyper baric therapy to aide in the healing of his leg since he is diabetic. Home health care will visit us about 3 times a week....Ray will be closely monitored through lab work while he is on Coumadin. We want to prevent a stroke!!! I also wanted to say that I am brought to tears of true humility in regards to all those who are helping my family! To "M" & "T" and all those who are helping them with the fund are amazing!!!! I cannot believe the hard work you are doing and this is in addition to the busy family lives you already have! You are truly are daughters of God and radiate the Light of Christ! Thank you Thank you!!

Well I will update daily about our ups and downs....and look out soon for a post with some of the funnier moments!

Until the next post....



  1. What fabulous news! I hope you have a very peaceful weekend. Just being at home is so much more restful, and no 4:30 am phlebotomist. Woohoo!

  2. That is awesome news Sheri!!! It brought tears to my eyes!!! Good tears of course!!! I am just so happy for you and your family!! Keep us posted, let Ray know I am thinking of him!!!
    Love ya kiddo {~;

  3. Oh Sheri. I appreciate you keeping us up to date on this. It is such a ride that you guys are taking. I wish we could do more this far away. We think of you and pray for you often!

