Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Its was the worst yet!!

So.....thanks to Brek again for giving you all a few updates I was unable to get to home and give my daily updates....Thanks to my Bro-in-law Rob for bringing his laptop in to my so I can give a recount of the last day and a half! its starts yesterday morning....we had our Hyperbaric meds appointment (for intake and set up a plan) and then our 1st post-op with Dr. Scott that same day later in the afternoon. Well Ray had had a decent night sleep....we didn't have the girls because they wanted to stay at AnaMana's and we were taking our morning nice and slow. About 8am Ray starting getting some more intense he took a Valium and rested until almost 9am. So then we headed out to our first appointment (a little late) with the increasing pain it was harder to get him ready and dressed. Well miracle of all miracles we were only 10 minutes late.....we checked in and started the usual paperwork....but Ray was now almost doubled over in pain.....we went to the nurse practitioner to have his vitals done...they were concerned with how much it was in pain so the other nurse called Dr. Scott's office.....they were going to try and work him in Ray wanted to go wait elsewhere so Hyperbaric was going to call our cell phone when they heard for now they discontinued the Hyperbaric eval because this took precedence. As we were headed up to the main level Ray decided he just As were approaching the right floor we got a call that said they were ready for us.....we arrived about a minute later check in then waited......we waited for about 20 mins...(which felt like 2 hours) each minute getting worse and worse.....finally they took us back. Dr. Scott said "Wow Ray! What look a complete 180 from discharge on Saturday" so they took off the half cast and took a look....Ray did have some minor cellulitis.....and extreme tenderness....It was decided that he was going to be admitted for pain control and to start the IV antibiotics. It took about 30 minutes for them the get the room available so Ray laid on the exam table in Dr. Scott's office until we could get check in. This was our worst of the worst.....Ray was really ready to go.....and I don't mean home.....we shared some private moments and lots of tears.......Well we finally got over to our room...but it was another 55 mins until the pain meds were administered.....He was at a TEN on the pain scale....we finally got some relief.....and within the hour he was resting more then started coming the labs....His hematocrit was down to 19...needs to be over 35.....they ordered 2 transfusions (this brings his total to 6 for the last week) also his platelet count was over a million should be around 300,000 so they are looking into lab work for that brings us to last was an ok night...patches of sleep with periods of restlessness....3 bathroom trips that resulted into falls (he now has the bedside approach for nature calls) Oh he also had a CT earlier in that we are to this morning.....Dr. Scott came in.....CT did show that there is a collection of blood...due to possible ruptured blood vessel....shoot for surgery about 3pm.....had a decent day.....he slept off and on...3:10 came and he was off to surgery...another emotional private moment or two....and I go to the cafeteria with my Dad and Mom....grab a quick drink and snack and head up to the waiting room....get set up to play some Farkle! to speed the time by....10 minutes later I see what I thought was Dr. Scott walk by us (we were in the back area near the elevators) I said to Mom and Dad "I think that was Dr. Scott" My Mom "No, it couldn't be this early" so I walk around the corner where he is asking for "Sheri" I call out and he the look of surprise on my face he quickly reassures me that Ray is ok....then he says "Oh they must not have told you that he didn't go in for the surgery" WHAT?!?!??! Turns out his INR was high (this tells how thin/thick the blood is for clotting) normal is about 1.8 to 2.0 his was 4.1! Dr. Scott and the anesthesiologist decides its not worth the risk. They give him a Vitamin K shot (to reverse the effects of the Coumadin) and we are going to have to wait for surgery till tomorrow afternoon. Tonight has been up and down....he ate a great dinner (thanks Mom & Dad Wojtasek for staying with him while I ran home to freshen up!) Mom W says he ate it all! Which is great! But now that night is full on Rob and I are here and Ray's pain has been almost unbearable again. We are ticking away the minutes till 10:15pm when he can get his next Valium...

Oh and also a disclaimer....I am so tired....I hope this post makes sense!

Thanks to all those who continue all your support!

Until the next post....


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