Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Good....The Bad....and the Dunk Tank...

I am so sorry I didn't do an update yesterday...it was a horrible night two nights ago...it all started about 5 p.m. Ray was in the kitchen when he had a muscle spasm hit......Ray was in excruciating pain!!! It would take his breath away!! For about 2 hours we kinda battled...I was frustrated he wouldn't do anything about it...he was in pain and hated me asking things...so it was NOT a good combo....plus the girls were here and watching Ray in so much pain and me finally just saying "Fine, I'm done...you do it" kinda scared them. So after about those 2 hours we made a phone call to the doctor. He ordered Valium to relax the muscles....the funny thing is that Ray had this exact same scenario the night of his surgery it was another intense night but I guess due to the surgery that morning and all the drugs he didn't remember. But after my Dad picked up the Valium (Thanks Dad!!!) it was still a LONG night....we were both up till way past 3:30am! He was very loopy and was talking weird things...but still having a lot of pain! I felt so bad for him! I wanted to take even a fraction of pain away! There was a few funny parts (well they were not funny then but they are now!) Ray says "Honey where is my suit?" I am thinking his church clothes..... Me: "What do you mean?" Ray: "My suit....I gotta go get into the dunk tank....they are ready for me" :o) He also started a fever again low grade.....so per doctor's instruction we are doing a Tylenol regimen and closely monitoring it. So yesterday morning Ray was exhausted and thankfully had enough meds in him the pain was tolerable. He slept.....for a bit....my girls nerves were on edge and with the offer of going with Manda for the day they jumped at it! (Thanks Manda!) The sad point for me and it made me cry is when the girls didn't want to come back home. Cami had told my sister all day long....."I am going to have a sleepover AnaMana....my Mom says she gives up" I need to be extremely cautious of my feelings and words around the girls....I forget they are just as sensitive to our situation as Ray and I. I am sorry girls....Mommy will try harder! So yesterday we headed off to the IHC in Btfl...had some labs drawn.....came home and with the girls gone...we both caught up on some much needed rest....well Ray rested all day....I decided to clean the toy room and "sort out" a few things with the girls gone....but after that we both napped well. It went through the night too Ray only woke up a couple of times for meds and slept till about 6am. So here we are Tuesday....we have two appointments today....Hyperbaric Medicine then follow-up with Dr. Scott. I will give an update hopefully this evening.

I wanted to say thanks (sorry I sound like a broken record) but there has been so many helping us in many forms.....My prayers include ALL of you who are helping, praying and well wishing!! We love you all!

Until the next time...


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