Friday, July 30, 2010

You could cut it with a knife.....

::SIGH:: Yesterday was so tension filled you could really...(well check the title) Ray was relatively quiet....I think he was really pulling the reserves from deep all of this has drained what little he had to grasp too! All the rest of us...were in that wait mode...would the surgery be a go....would we have another let down....well turns out bright and early we got our visit from Dr. Scott. He said the labs looked great! His INR which was WAY too high the day before at 4.1 was at 1.8!!! It was was tentatively scheduled to begin 2p-3p. Since they had him NPO since midnight and his blood sugar as a tad low Dr. Scott allowed a juice and a little water...the cut off time of a few sips was 8am. The rest of the morning was spent preparing....greeting arriving family....and of course the inevitable hospital wait! Near noon I head down to I come back up...I was informed they ran some labs and he was going to get yet another transfusion....his platelets were 1250!!!! Ok this is where I did a "Whoah beep beep back up the train" How can we go from over 1 million to 1250 in less then 24 hours???!?!?!? I asked the nurse if this would put off surgery and she said possibly...I was so distraught.....I just didn't understand how this could be...after all...weren't we checking with the medical oncologist about the HIGH platelets??? And now this??? So we prepared for the transfusion even asked again to have the platelets explained by the nurse but 2 just wasn't equaling 2. Finally about 1:30p ish we did get the transfusion started and the is on....but instead of 2 or 3....he was taken about 4:15pm. Tick Tock Tock...we passed the 30 minute mark so we all safely assumed that he was out for the count....then Tick Tock...Tick Tock...we played Farkle!, Rummy, 31, BlackJack and pass those darn hospital minutes! FINALLY about 7pm ish Dr. Scott emerged said things went well. There was a HUGE hematoma in the calf....he irrigated it out...and found and repaired the bleeder. The Dr. also solved the mystery of the HIGH/LOW was just a miss reading by the nurse...apparently the nurses don't read the zero' his count was 1,250,000.....That made a lot more sense!!! He was in recovery and Dr. said go grab a bite to eat...relax and he would be up in the room before we knew it. While I was digesting all the info hugging all those around and decided what to do....the phone in the waiting room was our family and two others...and since no volunteer that late I answered the phone they wanted the wife of Raymond W....luckily I hadn't left....Teesa the recovery nurse explained that Ray was totally confused and agitated because he couldn't remember so they came and got me to go back to the recovery room. I got spend the 30 or so minutes with him. He was "stuck" in a work haze. That's so Ray though! He is such a hard worker even in the depths of anesthesia he works :o) He had the nurse Teesa on edge just because he was so defiant that he needed to unload his truck and park it. He even tried to escape the bed a time or two after I was there. Each and every time he closed his eyes for a few seconds then wake back up we had to start all over again. He was even confused throughout the whole night!!! After we got back up to the room everyone gave there hugs and departed. We settled in for what I thought was going to be a very rough night! Now don't get me wrong it was LONG, HARD, and EXHAUSTING but not what I feared. We dealt with pain and confusion the whole night...but we did get sleep in about hour and half increments. His biggest complaint beyond those two was that he WANTED to get out of bed...but he was on complete bed rest....he couldn't put that leg on the floor at all! That was a fight! He did have a sense of humor though and the nurse and aide were giggling most of the night! This morning we had an early morning visit from Dr. Scott...he gave a run down of today's plan of action...UP and walking with PT....weaning from PDA (pain pump) and healing! While he was there guess who came....Dr. Ott!!!! Ray was ecstatic!!!! He literally beamed and even asked Dr. Ott if Ott could see his countenance change! Doc Ott was so soothing as always and always joking with Ray...Ott did tell Ray he looked pretty bad though...."You need a shave" :o) After that...we did exactly that...pain pump...GONE! walk with PT DONE!...a chair/sponge bath...DONE!....linens and gowns changed DONE...we even snuck off to the cafeteria via wheelchair where Ray could PICK his own food! He loved it....he had sweet and sour pork, rice, corn, and a choc chip cookie!!! We did promptly report that he would need some extra insulin upon our return LOL! Ray's parents showed up shortly there after I was off to home to shower, laundry and change myself. So here we are....I am doing a quick jaunt here at home then back off to the hospital...Courtney & Cami are coming for a visit and I am certain an ice cream stop in the cafeteria!

On a side note....I am brought to tears to see all the work done on our behalf.....I have decided that those who have arranged and are setting up the Yard Sale should run the country! They can accomplish anything!!! Its amazing to see all the donations, hear the good word and progress, people who don't even know us donating cash. ALL of it is truly a blessing!!! I have to share a cute thing Cami said....The article in the Davis County Clipper about us was great and my Dad and Sister had showed the girls and article. They were excited!!! So when Cami shared the news with Great Grandma she said..."Guess what Great Grandma....we are in the newspaper! Maybe tonight we will be on the news!!!" That made my heart melt!!!

Thanks to all!


1 comment:

  1. Sheri,
    Your strength is amazing. Ray is so lucky to have you, you are fotunate to have each other. You always have the best disposition when things seem to be crumbling around you, you find the good in all situations, you amaze me kiddo.
    I am happy for the upbeat blog and hope to read many more that are this upbeat!! I know there will be ups and downs and they are expected so sharing the bad with good is what we all need to hear from you.
    You have GREAT friends to organize that garage sale for you, I wish I were there to help.
    Just know I love you and my thoughts never stray far from you and your family.
    Love form Idaho!!!
