Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our First Day/Night at home...

So yesterday was so grand....we were home....girls under our roof....Ray's fav chair, his woobie (heating pad) and our bed!! It was so nice to not have any nurses, no "needle girl" , no announcements at 2 am, 3 am, 4 am (you get the picture) "Code Trauma Alert 2" repeated 3 times! The downside.....I was out of practice for multi tasking in "Mommy mode" There was no cafeteria in which cooked me delicious one brought Ray meals right to his bedside/chair....the girls needed to eat too! I was exhausted....but all in one breath I was glad that I was HOME and able to do all this!! Ray slept 90% of the day yesterday....I think he was in catch up mode.....he didn't have much of an appetite so finally "mean nurse Sheri" had to kick his butt and make him eat at least ONE decent meal. This morning his appetite is back! Last night I am happy to report....BOTH girls slept through the whole night in their own beds...a rare occurrence in this household....and Ray had decent night sleep, slept in bed till almost 3 am (3 weeks ago he was lucky if he got 2 or 3 hours total in a night!) then got situated downstairs for a change of pace and slept until about 6am!!! We are hoping for the same today....QUIET times...enjoying the peace...and letting us all re-coop!!! Thanks again to all who have expressed love, prayers and actions on our behalf!

Until next time....


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