Friday, July 16, 2010

Another night....another day closer...

Last night was not quite as good as the night before....I think as Monday approaches both Ray and I are getting more anxious! His leg continues to throb but he can go at least 6 hours in between pain doses. A bright spot in all this is the girls reaction to Ray....they love to help him with his "crunches" Cami doesn't say crutches :o) We love it!!! Ray uses them on flat ground but when it comes to our stairs he scoots on his butt and the girls go up and down with him and the "crunches"!!! As some of you are finding out we are home to re coop until Monday. But we are not having visitors here...both for Ray's and of course MY sanity!! :o)

Until the next post.....

much love!

1 comment:

  1. Its so nice that you were able to come home instead os staying in the hospital..tell Ray I am thinking about him and you are all in my prayers
